acnetop C1G

What is Acnetop gel?

Acnetop Gel is a combination medicine that is used to treats acne. It minimizes excessive oil production, thus reduces inflammation. It also prevents the growth of the microorganisms that cause acne. This also helps to prevent pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the skin.

Acstop Gel is only meant for external use and should be used as advised by your doctor. A thin layer of the medicine should be applied only to the affected areas of the skin with clean and dry hands. Wash your hands before and after applying the medicine. If it gets into your eyes, nose, mouth, or vagina rinse with water. It may take several days to weeks for your symptoms to improve, but you should keep using this medicine regularly. The course of the treatment should be completed to ensure better efficacy of the medicine. If your condition does not improve or gets worse, you should talk to your doctor..

Acne is a skin condition which can happen to anyone, especially at certain times during your life. It’s caused by hormonal changes, like those that happen during puberty, pregnancy, or throughout your period. When you have acne, your skin will produce too much oil or sebum, which then clogs your pores and causes breakouts of spots and blackheads. When combined with this excess oil, the bacteria that live on your skin can get aggravated, causing redness and inflammation alongside the spots and this whole combination can be sore and irritating. Acne usually appears on your face, chest, or back, and it can be tempting to squeeze the spots that appear there, but you should resist the temptation and use an acne treatment to help you manage your condition effectively and avoid scarring.

topical treatment with antibiotic

Topical antibiotics help kill the bacteria on the skin that can infect plugged hair follicles. They’re available as a lotion or gel that’s applied once or twice a day.
A 6- to 8-week course is usually recommended. After this, treatment is usually stopped, as there’s a risk that the bacteria on your face could become resistant to the antibiotics.

This could make your acne worse and cause additional infections.
Side effects are uncommon, but can include:

  • minor irritation of the skin
  • redness and burning of the skin
  • peeling of the skin

How long will I need to use this acne treatment?

It’s important to note that Acnetop isn’t a quick-fix, spot zapping treatment, but is used over a longer period of time to provide noticeable improvements to your skin. You will usually need to use this treatment for around 10 – 12 weeks for best results, but you will normally start to see the difference in your skin before your full course of treatment ends. Make sure to use this acne treatment for the full length of time advised by your doctor, even if your skin clears up before then, as it will help you to get the most from this product and see improvement for longer.

Effective ingredients

Acnetop gel is a combination of two antibiotics and vitamins that treat pimples (acne). The antibiotic penetrates into the skin and destroys acne-causing bacteria. A type of vitamin B present, when applied to the skin it has anti-inflammatory effects and reduces the swelling, redness and sensitivity associated with acne.

side effects

Like all medications, Acnetop can have side effects, although not everyone will experience them. These side effects include:

Allergic reactions, including rash, itching, difficulty breathing or swallowing, and swelling of the face, mouth, tongue, or throat. If this happens to you, stop use and seek immediate medical help
Temporary stinging in the area where you have applied the gel
A painful rash or burning sensation in the area where you have applied the gel. If this does not go away within a few hours or gets worse every time you use this product, stop use and seek immediate medical help
If you experience these or any other side effects you should speak to your doctor or pharmacist right away.

How to use

According to the doctor’s order