the spa

“Our mission is to preserve and promote beauty and health in the society, and in an effort to achieve this goal, all active teams in the collection, relying on their world class knowledge and any years of experience, update the formulation of their products according to the daily needs of the Sarloha society. They have always done their job”


Itchiness, red skin, rash​

Hair loss

Male-pattern hair loss, female-pattern hair loss, alopecia areata, telogen effluvium

Blackheads, Whiteheads

Pimples, Oily skin, Scarring
folliculitis, rosacea, hidradenitis suppurativa, miliaria

hair care

Hair loss and strengthening tonics Acnetop Gel is a combination medicine that is used to treats acne. It minimizes excessive oil production, thus reduces inflammation. Topical application of Azelaic acid cream caused marked reduction in the densities of cutaneous micrococcaceae and intrafollicular propionibacterium Sp.

Hair Restoration

Eyebrow loss is one of the problems that many people around the world face. 

Hair design

Vitiligo is a chronic (long-lasting) autoimmune disorder that causes patches of skin to lose pigment or color. This happens when melanocytes – skin cells that make pigment – are attacked and destroyed, causing the skin to turn a milky-white color.

hair coloring

Genetic factors, hormonal changes, diet, stress, diseases such as anemia, drug use and weather conditions, environmental pollution.

beauty skin

Hair loss is one of the problems that many people around the world face. There are several factors that can cause hair loss, including: Genetic factors, hormonal changes, diet, stress, diseases such as anemia, drug use and weather conditions, environmental pollution. Perfect Hair C1G Strengthening Lotion By using a special formula, in addition to significantly reducing hair loss, by Various mechanisms help hair regrowth.

Perfect hair C1G

Hair loss is one of the problems that many people around the world face. There are several factors that can cause hair loss, including: Genetic factors, hormonal


Psoriasis is characterized by red skin lesions that are covered by scales and the edges of the lesions are well defined. 


Topical application of Azelaic acid cream caused marked reduction in the densities of cutaneous micrococcaceae and intrafollicular propionibacterium Sp.

we are ready to pamper you